So it's been a long time since I myself have actually posted so here I go. It being November and right around the Thanksgiving holiday I am going to post about what I am thankful for.
Posted by Ben and MaryJo Scott Family at 12:47 PM 2 comments
Posted by Ben and MaryJo Scott Family at 9:09 AM 6 comments
As the title says it has been a long time coming... So much has happened I don't know where to begin! I guess I will start with our big announcement. We have a new member to add to our family! Thats right, we have a new car that is going to call our garage home! Exciting huh! HA HA, you thought I was going to announce something else didn't you!? NO WAY! Ben decided to total our durango and so with the money we got from our insurance check my brother in law C.J. found us a great deal on a new "used" car. So far I have not driven it even though it is for me. Ben really likes it though! When I can get Ben out of the car to take a picture I will post a picture of it!
Posted by Ben and MaryJo Scott Family at 6:37 PM 1 comments
Take a look at these sweet moves and then ask yourself again, Can I really dance as good as her?
Posted by Ben and MaryJo Scott Family at 1:57 PM 3 comments
I am having a hard time posting this today, but Kyler keeps reminding me of what today is. Eleven years ago today I gave birth to my first child. He was a perfect 1 pound baby boy who meant the world to me! He wasn't supposed to come until June of 1999 but as we all know things don't always work out the way they are "supposed" to. Riley Bruce Scott died when my water broke and I had to deliver a baby that I knew was not alive. Because of an amazing doctor, nurses and family I was able to push through the pain (literally) and deliver my perfect little baby.
At the time I didn't understand why this had to happen to me, but now 11 years later I know that it was actually what was "supposed" to happen all along. Without the problems that I had with Riley I would not have know that I have an incompetent cervix and I had to be stitched up with each of my other pregnancies. Riley brought Ben and I closer and I am grateful that he blessed our lives and let us be his parents.
Now we have the challenge to live so that we can see him again when our time here on earth is over. But for now I have to take comfort knowing that grandpa Bruce is taking care of him for us and loving every minute of it. Who could ask for anything better? Happy Birthday Riley, we all love you very much and can't wait to be with you again.
Posted by Ben and MaryJo Scott Family at 8:18 AM 7 comments
Can you believe it I have a 10 year old! I am really glad that we were blessed to have Kyler start our little family. He is tender hearted boy who really likes to think of others needs. I don't know what we would do without him!
We had a little party today for family, we ate pizza and then had cupcakes that he made and decorated by himself(they were really good)!
Posted by Ben and MaryJo Scott Family at 8:07 PM 5 comments
This is what we have until it grows back. THANKS Darcee, I don't know what I would have done without your help! Luckily my mom and sister McKayle gave her a perm earlier thats what saved this from being really UGLY!
Posted by Ben and MaryJo Scott Family at 9:06 AM 2 comments